Thursday, January 22, 2009


huhuhu...nothin 2 do in da morning...abit bored..but then relived cz my payroll already done.. as usual my baby luv called late last nite..i hv 2 attend his call..if not, he will get furios...his got a typical jealousy type of guy..but 4 him, i cant b jealous...hw is dat!! mafi musykil...

yesterday, i follow my cousin bro n his wife to Low Yatt..he bought new SLR cam...
ehehehe..its picture-picture time baby...i told him, spare 1G for us (me & ayu) to be his 'free' so-called i can upload in my FS & FB...

i told my baby luv bout tis..guess wat, he said "baby, plz dunt spoil his cam..u can spoil mine but not others.." eeee...feel like kickin his butt..knock his head.. but he dunt like i take pic wit nice scenary..hahaha..bcz he wanted 2 b @ dat place also..nature lover's vs food lover's.. weird combination huh...we managed (^b^) but dunt knw how long (*-^) do pray that we'll b 4ever n his is my last ever bf i will have till the end of time..

last nite, we (me, bobong n ayu) had a chat..both of them hv dated for 4years since 2001 n married for 4years (coming tis year August) 8 years they hv been 2gether.. as for me, 8 years, i had 6 bf's including my baby luv.. some bf's I had within da same bad of me..2001-2008 : MF,AF,RT,AS,SI,ZS...nice huh...ehehehe..but i do pray ZS is my last guy.. *wink *wink..


aYu MaCCa said...

oooo..naughty ekkk..